The African Children's Educational Trust

The African Children's Educational Trust supports vulnerable children’s access to appropriate quality education to the maximum of their ability through the provision of scholarships and upgrading community elementary rural schools.

To date, A-CET has build seven schools in Northern Ethiopia:


A-CET schools

Aderak Full Elementary School

A-CET upgraded a local school in the Tigrai Region of Northern Ethiopia in 2005, it is now a full elementary school with eight grades.

Adibaekel Full Elementary School

This school was officially opened October 2010.

Adihana Full Elementary School

This school was completed in 2007. It is a high quality junior school of four grades and can accommodate up to 400 students in one shift.

Dansa Full Elementary School

Phase two of the project began in December 2009. On completion this school will bring closer access & better long-term educational facilities to over 400 of the most vulnerable rural youngsters, many of whom without this school, probably would not have this opportunity to attain any education at all.

Gumselasa Full Elementary School

Originally two local built dark classrooms plus a shack with less than 100 students, this is now has eight bright, airy and cool classrooms basically furnished and is a full elementary school accommodating for over 400 youngsters from Grades 1 to 8. ASD has helped so much so now the school is able to use computers, and other facilities.

Hagere Selam Full Elementary School

Currently this school has grades 1-5 with planned grades up to 8 capacity 500 students. Two thirds of the students at this school are female.

Adiba'ekel Full Elementary

Currently only three grades can study here. To continue any education children have to walk for well over an hour one-way to nearby Mynebri. This project started in December 2009 and will bring a proper school closer to a village community that really needs it to give their children a chance for a better future. Scheduled opening is planned for 26 Sep 2010.

Abinet Church School

This residential school attached to st Michael's Cathedral in Mekelle, has about 112 youngsters, over a third of whom are blind or otherwise disabled, some doubly afflicted.

The church is their only refuge and offers them security and a life-times employment. This project included seven dormitory blocks, a shower and separate latrine block plus a washing area. From start to finish this took less than six months and included strong bunk beds and furnishings for all boys.

Further reading

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